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A member registered Mar 30, 2017

Recent community posts

My friend helped me create a trailer for my channel using the story creator, check it out and subscribe to see all of his stories before they go live here! I've credited the game in the description and linked it to this page!

I just released the story 'Stephanie's Gone Wilder' on the forum, give it a try and let me know what you think!

My first attempt! I failed miserably but will be back for more!

Cheers! He's just fine tuning all the dalogue and he will be!

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My friend made a user story for Stephanie and its bloody brilliant! He let me create a video for it for my channel! It's the only place you will see it at the moment!

Hold the left mouse button!

Loving this game, it's hilarious! Excited to try out the user created stories too!

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Hey! Really enjoyed the game! Thought it deserved a little spotlight on my channel! Had a blast with the editing side too, ended up being one of my best ever videos! Let me know what you think!